Friday, March 23, 2012

To Do, To Do!

To Do!

     So if you’re at all like me you have a 100 things to do, about 5 min to do them in (okay, so technically it’s more like 15-16 hours but it feels like 5 min), and 1000 distractions to keep you from actually finishing any one task.  Enter the “To Do” list.  Yes I know this is not a new idea, I’m sure the ancient Egyptians had the hieroglyphic “To Do” carved into their walls, which is where we should have kept our lists too.  Not carved of course, something more “semi-permanent”, such as a separate board on our walls;  at least that way we’d have less random pieces of paper around, no accidentally thrown out phone numbers, and we could even keep the receipt for that dress we’ll never fit into pinned up there too!   

     Seems we’ve caught up to the thinking of those ancient Egyptians because now we have the ever so popular message boards everywhere.  Usually comprising of a white board or chalk board and either cork or pins or ribbon to help hold loose items all in your line of sight.  Now you could go buy one, and spend $10 and up, but where’s the fun in that?  Let’s make one.  

    Now you could turn this idea into something much bigger and fancier and make it all your own.  I’m just here to get the ball rolling, and I do hope you’ll roll on and on…

Just a note…you can find very inexpensive contact paper at the dollar store.  Sometimes they even have white board paper rolls too!

Measure and Cut
Measure Frame
Border Lines
You can click on the picture above to see it bigger.

Cut out Frame
Decorate Frame
Measure Contact Paper
Peel off Contact Paper
Adhered to Cardboard
Attach Wire
Embellish and FunctionHanging Up
I hope you enjoyed!
Happy Crafting!